The club is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00PM to 10:20PM.
League play and open play is organized on both days the club is open. There are on the
average three leagues between October and May. Trophies are awarded to the winner teams
and the best individual players.
The club is associated with USATT and officially abides by the USATT rules. The 40mm balls
are in use and since September 2001, the 11 point games are played.
The club also organizes several tournaments annually where players who are members of USATT
compete with each other and are assigned national ratings. Each tournament prizes are awarded
to the winners and runner-ups. Players who are not rated, may also participate in the tournaments,
at which point they will be assigned an initial rating if they become USATT members. Annual USATT
membership is $40 and includes a subscription to the USA Table Tennis Magazine. The membership
allows for participation in any USATT tournament in any state. For more information, please visit
the USATT website.