Tournament Champions
03-01-2025Best of the West Open & GRRResultsGo to Photos
12-07-2024Valley of the Sun OpenResultsGo to Photos
09-28-2024Arizona Open & GRRResultsGo to Photos
07-27-2024Arizona State ChampionshipAdvait BrahmeResultsGo to Photos
04-27-2024Phoenix OpenReid GreenspanResultsGo to Photos
02-24-2024Best of the West open & GRRYahao ZhangResultsGo to Photos
12-02-20232023 Valley of the Sun OpenThomas WuResultsGo to Photos
09-23-20232023 Arizona Open & GRRAhmed AdeleyeResultsGo to Photos
07-29-20232023 Arizona State ChampionshipSunil BandapallyResultsGo to Photos
04-29-20232023 Phoenix OpenVladimir AltmanResultsGo to Photos
02-25-20232023 Best of the West Open & GRRResultsGo to Photos
01-29-20232023 Chinese Week Table Tennis OpenSunil BandapallyResultsGo to Photos
12-03-2022Valley of the Sun OpenAnish Madurai NarayanamurthyResultsGo to Photos
09-24-2022Arizona Open & GRRAhmed AdeleyeResultsGo to Photos
07-30-2022Arizona State ChampionshipAnish Madurai NarayanamurthyResultsGo to Photos
04-02-2022Best of the West Open & GRRResultsGo to Photos
02-05-2022Phoenix OpenAnish Madurai NarayanamurthyResultsGo to Photos
12-04-2021Valley of the Sun OpenKunHao ZhangResultsGo to Photos
09-25-2021Arizona Open & Giant Round RobinKunHao ZhangResultsGo to Photos
07-31-2021Arizona Sizzler OpenVladimir AltmanResultsGo to Photos
05-23-2021Arizona State ChampionshipMatt WinklerResultsGo to Photos
03-22-2021US National - Arizona QualifierReid GreenspanResultsGo to Photos
02-22-2020Arizona Open and Giant Round RobinResultsGo to Photos
12-07-20192019 Valley of the Sun OpenKung Hao ZHANGResultsGo to Photos
09-28-20192019 Best of the West Open & Giant Round RobinResultsGo to Photos
07-27-20192019 Arizona Sizzler OpenVladimir AltmanResultsGo to Photos
05-18-20192019 Arizona Closed (AZ State Championship)Matthew WinklerResultsGo to Photos
03-02-20192019 Arizona Open & GRRDan Seemiller Jr.ResultsGo to Photos
02-10-20192019 Chinese Week Table Tennis OpenThirumurugan KarunakaranResultsGo to Photos
12-08-20182018 Valley of the Sun OpenRaymond MackResultsGo to Photos
11-04-20182018 ACSE Team Table Tennis TournamentChandler TeamResultsGo to Photos
09-29-20182018 Best of the West Open & Giant Round RobinDan Seemiller JrResultsGo to Photos
07-28-20182018 Arizona Sizzler OpenPrasanna SunderajanResultsGo to Photos
05-05-20182018 Arizona ClosedAndrew ManginelliResultsGo to Photos
02-24-20182018 Arizona Open & Giant Round RobinPhong PhamResultsGo to Photos
12-02-2017Valley of the Sun Open - December 2nd & 3rd, 2017Qingqing HuResultsGo to Photos
09-23-20172017 Best of the West Open & Giant Round RobinCheng LiResultsGo to Photos
09-07-20172017 Ice Breaker TournamentQin Qin HuResultsGo to Photos
07-22-2017AZ Sizzler Open - July 22nd & 23rd, 2017ResultsGo to Photos
04-29-2017AZ Closed - State ChampionshipResultsGo to Photos
02-18-2017AZ Open & GRR - February 18th & 19th, 2017Earl AltoResultsGo to Photos
01-29-20172017 Chinese Week Table Tennis OpenQingqing HuResultsGo to Photos
12-03-20162016 Valley of the Sun OpenNu Phong PhamResultsGo to Photos
09-24-20162016 Best of the West Open & Giant Round RobinAbdullah AlmkeemyResults 
09-07-20162016 Ice BreakerFernando PerezResultsGo to Photos
07-23-20162016 Arizona SizzlerPrasanna SundarajanResultsGo to Photos
04-30-20162016 Arizona ClosedLei (Isaac) ZhangResultsGo to Photos
02-20-20162016 Arizona Open & Giant Round RobinTung PhamResultsGo to Photos
01-31-20162016 Chinese Week Table Tennis OpenLei ZhangResultsGo to Photos
12-05-2015Valley of the Sun Open - December 5 & 6, 2015Prasanna SundarajanResultsGo to Photos
09-26-2015Best of the West Open & Giant RR - Sept 26 & 27, 2015Tung PhamResultsGo to Photos
09-09-20152015 Ice BreakerQingqing HuResultsGo to Photos
07-25-2015AZ Sizzler Open - July 25 & 26, 2015Prasanna SundarajanResultsGo to Photos
05-02-2015AZ Closed - May 2 & 3, 2015Prasanna SundarajanResultsGo to Photos
02-21-2015AZ Open & Giant Round Robin - Feb 21 & 22, 2015Prasanna SundarajanResultsGo to Photos
02-08-20152015 Chinese Week Table Tennis OpenQingqing HuResultsGo to Photos
12-06-2014Valley of the Sun Open - December 6th & 7th, 2014Matt WinklerResultsGo to Photos
09-27-2014Best of the West Open & Giant Round Robin - 09-27th & 28thJozon LavillaResultsGo to Photos
07-26-2014AZ Sizzler Open - July 26th & 27th, 2014Matthew WinklerResultsGo to Photos
04-26-2014AZ Closed - April 26th & 27th, 2014ResultsGo to Photos
02-15-2014AZ Open & Giant Round Robin - February 15th & 16th, 2014Truon Manh TuResultsGo to Photos
02-09-20142014 Chinese Week Table Tennis Open - Year of the HorseQingqing HuResultsGo to Photos
12-07-2013Valley of the Sun Open - December 7th & 8th, 2013Matthew WinklerResultsGo to Photos
09-28-20132013 Best of the West Open & GRRTruong Manh TuResultsGo to Photos
09-11-2013IcebreakerMatt WinklerResultsGo to Photos
07-27-2013AZ Sizzler Open - July 27th & 28th, 2013Matthew WinklerResultsGo to Photos
04-27-2013AZ Closed - April 27th & 28th, 2013Matthew WinklerResultsGo to Photos
02-16-2013AZ Open/Giant RR - February 16th & 17th, 2013Earl James AltoResultsGo to Photos
01-27-20132013 Chinese Week Table Tennis Open - January 27th, 2013ResultsGo to Photos
12-01-20122012 Valley of the Sun OpenMatthew WinklerResultsGo to Photos
09-29-20122012 Best of the West OpenTruong Mang TuResultsGo to Photos
07-21-20122012 AZ Sizzler OpenMatthew WinklerResultsGo to Photos
05-05-20122012 AZ ClosedMatthew Winkler (Fourth Consecutive Year)ResultsGo to Photos
02-11-20122012 Arizona Open & Giant Round Robin - Two StarEarl James AltoResultsGo to Photos
12-03-20112011 Valley of the Sun OpenXiaozhou HuResultsGo to Photos
09-24-20112011 Best of the West OpenXiaozhou HuResultsGo to Photos
07-16-20112011 AZ Sizzler OpenXiaozhou Hu (AZ)ResultsGo to Photos
06-12-2011GCSG Summer GamesJay TurbervilleResultsGo to Photos
04-30-20112011 Arizona ClosedMatthew WinklerResultsGo to Photos
03-27-2011Grand Canyon State GamesAndrew ManginelliResultsGo to Photos
02-12-20112011 AZ OpenXiaozhou HuResultsGo to Photos
01-30-20112011 Chinese Week OpenXiaozhou HuResultsGo to Photos
12-04-20102010 Valley of the Sun OpenXiaozhou HuResultsGo to Photos
09-25-20102010 Best of the West OpenXiaozhou HuResultsGo to Photos
07-17-20102010 AZ SizzlerXiaozhou HuResultsGo to Photos
05-01-20102010 AZ ClosedMatt WinklerResultsGo to Photos
02-20-20102010 AZ OpenXiaozhou HuResultsGo to Photos
02-07-20102010 Chinese Week Table Tennis OpenGia LeuResultsGo to Photos
12-05-2009Valley of the Sun OpenMatt WinklerResultsGo to Photos
10-03-2009AZ Sizzler OpenAdam ZagulaResultsGo to Photos
09-13-2009ACUA Table Tennis OpenLi YinResults 
08-01-2009Best of the West OpenXiaozhou HuResultsGo to Photos
06-04-2009Washington Activity Center 1st TournamentResults 
05-16-2009AZ ClosedMatt WinklerResultsGo to Photos
02-21-2009AZ OpenXiaozhou HuResultsGo to Photos
02-08-20092009 Chinese WeekXiaozhou HuResultsGo to Photos
12-06-2008Valley of the Sun OpenHyeon Young BhooResultsGo to Photos
09-27-2008Arizona SizzlerXiaozhou HuResultsGo to Photos
07-19-2008Best of the West OpenXiaozhou HuResultsGo to Photos
06-21-2008Summer State GamesDerrick ConeResults 

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