Here are some documents that can be downloaded and printed out:
If you need software to view the MS Word or MS Excel documents, you can download them from here.

 Club Constitution 2007 Revision
 Hotel/Motel within 2 miles radius of the club
 Phoenix Table Tennis Club Rules
 Tournament Sponsor Programs
 Banned Table Tennis Rubber
 Racket Control
 New Gluing Rule
 USATT Rules of the Game
 ITTF Handbook for Match Officials
 **** Self-rating System ****
 PTTC/USATT Individual League
 Wednesday Training Table Rules
 New 40+ Plastic Ball FAQ
 PTTC & USATT Membership Fees
 Giant Round Robin format
 USATT Safe Sport Protocol
 2024 Tournament Schedule
 2024 Season Club's Holidays
 PTTC Membership Application
 Singles League Point Race
 2024 Fall Singles League Point Standings
 2025 Tournament Scedule
 2025 Singles League Point Standings
 2025 Phoenix Open Entry Form