Jerry Kadansky
The Phoenix Table Tennis Club was founded in 1947. The PTTC has an active and enthusiastic membership of age ranges that engage in activities that include league and open play. Our not-for-profit organization is operated under a constitution and a five member board. Membership in the club is by annual dues. The annual dues are $190 (pro rated) per year from Sept. 1st. to Aug. 31st. For non-members, there is a $8.00 per night fee, (there is no charge for 1st time visitors). It is the club's pleasure to invite visitors, sport enthusiasts to attend our tournaments and weekly activities.

Come on, visit us!
Latest PTTC News
12-18-2024 - PTTC Team League Sign Up
We will be starting a new session of team league on Wednesday, January 8, 2025. We will meet every
Wednesday for 8 weeks at 7:30 pm. (The gym opens at 7 pm for set up and warm up) Matches are best of
5 games. Each player will play a total of 5 matches per night, singles and doubles. All levels are
welcome to play. Sign up deadline Sunday January 5. Please contact Shelly to sign up or for
additional information, pttcshelly@gmail.com

More PTTC NewsLatest Documents
-PTTC Team League Sign Up
-PTTC Fall Team League - Winners
-What's Going On @ PTTC
-PTTC wins 2021 Valley Annual Table Tennis Club Tournament...
-PTTC on 12 News Today
-2025 Phoenix Open Entry Form
-2025 Singles League Point Standings
-2025 Tournament Scedule
-2024 Fall Singles League Point Standings
-Singles League Point Race

No Current ITTF News

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