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2018 Arizona Closed - 05-05-2018 ( View Pictures )

Open SinglesAndrew ManginelliMatt WinklerPhuong Le / (Panno Dok)
U-2000 SinglesReid GreenspanAshutosh Rane 
U-1875 SinglesMike BurgWenfeng He 
U-1750 SinglesZongshen WangRoyston Dsouza 
U-1625 SinglesSean KosterDinesh Tashildar 
U-1500 SinglesDinesh TashildarShelly Miller 
U-1375 SinglesDavid DownsMile Rodich 
U-1250 SinglesJared RobertsonAngela Dongo Ochoa De Foster 
U-1125 SinglesSummer (Horan) LossonScott Goodrich 
U-1000 SinglesScott GoodrichAdvain Pandit 
Over 60Raymond MackSimen Potaychuk 
18 & UnderAdvait PanditAchintya Sai 
Women's SinglesSruti RamanSummer (Horan) Losson 
Open DoublesRaymond Mack & Phong LeMatt Winkler & Atul Raman 
U-3700 DoublesMIke Burg & Filex ShtorperBernard Savitz & Grant Briggs 
U-3200 DoublesDinesh Tashildar & Royston DsouzaCarl Henderson & Shelly Miller 

Other Tournaments

DateNameHas Results?Pictures
01-03-2025Best of the West Open & GRRYesView
07-12-2024Valley of the Sun OpenYesView
28-09-2024Arizona Open & GRRYesView
27-07-2024Arizona State ChampionshipYesView
27-04-2024Phoenix OpenYesView
24-02-2024Best of the West open & GRRYesView
02-12-20232023 Valley of the Sun OpenYesView
23-09-20232023 Arizona Open & GRRYesView
29-07-20232023 Arizona State ChampionshipYesView
29-04-20232023 Phoenix OpenYesView
25-02-20232023 Best of the West Open & GRRYesView
29-01-20232023 Chinese Week Table Tennis OpenYesView
03-12-2022Valley of the Sun OpenYesView
24-09-2022Arizona Open & GRRYesView
30-07-2022Arizona State ChampionshipYesView
02-04-2022Best of the West Open & GRRYesView
05-02-2022Phoenix OpenYesView
04-12-2021Valley of the Sun OpenYesView
25-09-2021Arizona Open & Giant Round RobinYesView
31-07-2021Arizona Sizzler OpenYesView
23-05-2021Arizona State ChampionshipYesView
22-03-2021US National - Arizona QualifierYesView
22-02-2020Arizona Open and Giant Round RobinYesView
07-12-20192019 Valley of the Sun OpenYesView
28-09-20192019 Best of the West Open & Giant Round RobinYesView
27-07-20192019 Arizona Sizzler OpenYesView
18-05-20192019 Arizona Closed (AZ State Championship)YesView
02-03-20192019 Arizona Open & GRRYesView
10-02-20192019 Chinese Week Table Tennis OpenYesView
08-12-20182018 Valley of the Sun OpenYesView
04-11-20182018 ACSE Team Table Tennis TournamentYesView
29-09-20182018 Best of the West Open & Giant Round RobinYesView
28-07-20182018 Arizona Sizzler OpenYesView
05-05-20182018 Arizona ClosedYesView
24-02-20182018 Arizona Open & Giant Round RobinYesView
02-12-2017Valley of the Sun Open - December 2nd & 3rd, 2017YesView
23-09-20172017 Best of the West Open & Giant Round RobinYesView
07-09-20172017 Ice Breaker TournamentYesView
22-07-2017AZ Sizzler Open - July 22nd & 23rd, 2017YesView
29-04-2017AZ Closed - State ChampionshipYesView
18-02-2017AZ Open & GRR - February 18th & 19th, 2017YesView
29-01-20172017 Chinese Week Table Tennis OpenYesView
03-12-20162016 Valley of the Sun OpenYesView
24-09-20162016 Best of the West Open & Giant Round RobinYes 
07-09-20162016 Ice BreakerYesView
23-07-20162016 Arizona SizzlerYesView

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